About This Blog And Other Links And EBooks

My life has been a variety of things. Below are links for my other blog sites and my five eBooks. My blog sites touch on various topics as my eBooks do. I’m a writer and a self-publish eBook author. With my gifts and talents, music keeps me going. Music is my inspiration. Music is my soul. I write about others’ gifts of music on this blog page, along with all of my media. Enjoy!

This is all about music thru my eyes, heart, and hearing. I write only five-star reviews. Which means I write only about the best of the best. If a band is not at its peak, I will wait to review them.

Who gets these reviews? I go on referrals from others. I have to have more than one referral to listen to a band. I also listen to what other bands say are great bands, singers, or musicians. I also find a band, singer, or musician on my own.

A few times, I have posted about music on YouTube videos. The venues and organizations that host live music are also on this website. It all correlates and works together.

The three-tier process is reviewed by others; the second is my viewing and listening, and the third is my observations of the audience. I do not take in a few mistakes by bands, singers, or musicians. I am so well known that I sometimes make people nervous. I look for the overall performance. My reviews point out the best in their performance.

I have no need to downgrade a band, singer, or musician. If they are not at the peak of their profession, I will not write about them. I promote live music and the best of the best worldwide.

English is my third language, and I am still learning. I hope you all can forgive a few mistakes in my English as I forgive those I write about. Namaste and peace be with you. Music is love!

I am also on other sites and have other blog pages on small businesses, UFOs, the Paranormal, and everything in between.

My email is mitzibpromotions@gmail.com if you wish to contact me! Thank you.

My other blog sites include Ebooks, Facebook groups and pages, Meetup Groups, Co-organize, and hosting.  






This is the first part of the class I started out with. Relaxing and breathing. I recorded the first part, and it is on YouTube. In the second part of the class, I did not record. Here is the link if you want to practice relaxation and healing.
